The Corporation is the authoritative national voice of the collective of the member Canadian National Dental Specialty Organizations. It is dedicated to the representation and advancement of the Canadian Dental Specialties, the profession of dentistry nationally and internationally, the achievement of optimal oral health, general health and quality of life of Canadians, and the support of the profession of dentistry in the advancement of optimal oral health.
The Corporation is a voluntary organization which has no regulatory or standards enforcement mandate. Regulation of the profession of dentistry and the dental specialties is governed by the legislated professional regulatory bodies.
The Objects of the Corporation are:
To educate the public, the health professions, and other persons, bodies or agencies, on the Canadian Dental Specialties;
To identify and position the Corporation on all subjects which are of importance to the collective of the member Canadian National Dental Specialty Organizations, and the profession of dentistry at large;
To develop, in consultation with the Members and other stakeholders, national positions, policies and programs which are of importance to the collective of the member Canadian National Dental Specialty Organizations, and their respective individual dental specialist members throughout Canada and which will promote optimal oral health;
To promote the public welfare and access to care by the advancement of the Canadian Dental Specialties in the field of education, research, care delivery and professional service;
To develop programs and standards of practice at the national level, which will support the Canadian Dental Specialties, the dental profession and the interests of the public;
To develop and maintain effective national communication strategies and programs to communicate with the public and the various stakeholders on all matters within the Corporation’s mandate;
To promote unity and harmony, and to cultivate fellowship and social relations among its Members and colleagues nationally and internationally; and
To effectively manage the necessary resources so as to enable the fulfilling of the Corporation’s mandate.